Private Community

Our community is protected by private gates. Entry requires codes issued only to property owners.


Family Focused

Melrose is a hidden jewel, intended to be a safe place where families can enjoy the great outdoors and the beauty of God's creation. 


Melrose Mountain is bordered by protected conservatory land on one side and steep inclines on the other. Development has been intended to blend in with the surrounding nature and landscape.

"Melrose is a land of beautiful Views."

Melrose Mountain was established in the 1970s. It has maintained it's remote tranquility and provides a private getaway for it's owners. Many are full-time, some come up just to enjoy an escape from the hustle and bustle of life in the city.

Black Bear

Melrose has plenty Black Bear that love to visit our bird feeders. While they are beautiful creatures to observe, they will wreak havoc on anything that might contain food they like.


Great Neighbors

We have a wonderful community of Great Neighbors on Melrose Mountain. Here residents came together to prepare firewood for the coming winter months.



What do you do when it snows up there? We get out the sleds! The snow is beautiful on Melrose Mountain. It's a great place to enjoy a winter wonderland several times a year.